MOTHER: "My son, I am like the earth, my life revolves around you"
SON: "Mom, I am like the sun, I will continue to shine bright and make you proud"
Who is Mut'Sun/#Mut_Sun ?
Mut_Sun pronounced (moot-son) is a name
to describe the tag team efforts in painting collectively when my son was 8yrs old.
My son Cleson came up with our signature name. In the Ancient Kemetic Medu Neter language, "Mūt" [moot] is the word for mother. The "sun" in Mūt'Sun, is how I always refer to my son. Replacing the O with a U so he understands he is as brilliant as the sun in my eyes. So in essence it stands for mother and son.
The thing that sets Mut'Sun apart from other artists , besides the obvious that I am partners with my son, I would say use of color. Coming from over 20 years in the fashion industry I am not afraid to use color and the way I see color is different from most. A lot of artists use color as if there are rules in creating art, in my eyes there are none and I teach my son that.